The Governing Board of Benthal Primary School is made up of co-opted governors, elected parent governors, an elected school representative, a local authority appointed governor and the Head teacher. All governors have specific skill sets that match the needs of Benthal Primary School. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each board member ensure accountability of an aspect of educational or financial performance and the management of risk.
The role of the Governing Board
Governing boards play a crucial role in supporting and challenging the school improvement journey which reaches far beyond assurances of compliance with regulations.
This is recognised through OFSTED inspection which includes consideration of the skilfulness and impact of governance in forming judgements about the leadership capacity of the school.
The role of the Governor
The role of the governors is a simple one- maintaining a strategic overview of what the school should be aiming to achieve.
Benthal Primary School and the governors seek to work with purposeful interactions with school leaders in taking the most secure path for Benthal’s school improvement journey. The governors at the school also regard it as fundamentally important that the school operates in as transparent a manner as possible in all that it does.
Benthal’s Governing Board also issues a termly newsletter for parents/carers of the school to share information on the role of board members and any link governor visits and any other updates.
All governors must adhere to Governors' Code of Conduct.
Governor Meetings
Full Governor’s meetings are held termly. Additional full meetings are occasionally called where it is decided that this would be of benefit.
In addition there are three formal sub committees – Curriculum & Standards Committee, the Finance & Premise Committee and the Personnel Committee to focus on particular areas in more detail. It is a statutory requirement that these meet three times a year.
The Governors may also convene working groups or task and finish groups to address a particular issue and report back to the full governing board. Governors may co-opt specialist advisors to support the work of such groups and to give advice on specific issues.
The minutes of full governor’s meetings will be made available on the website as soon as they are agreed, in addition to being available in the school office.
Chair- Co-opted Governor (Leadership & Management)
governors@benthal.hackney.sch.ukVice-Chair (Co-opted Governor) (Pupil Outcomes)
Staff Governor (Health and Safety)
(Elected by the school staff)
Parent Governor (Stakeholder Voice for Pupils and Parents)
Parent Governor (Stakeholder Voice for Parents and Pupils)
Co-opted Governor (Finance, Property and MIS)
Co-opted Governor (Safeguarding, Pupil Welfare and Wellbeing)
LA Governor (Teaching and Learning)
Co-opted Governor (Inclusion)
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor (School Marketing)
Associate Governor
Hackney Young Associate Governor