We are excited to announce that we have extended our nursery provision to 2 year olds. If you would like to book a school tour, please contact the school office on 02089859310 or office@benthal.hackney.sch.uk.

Pupil Leadership

Our children respond well to our school’s ethos and culture of Benthal Values and high expectations. They are polite, courteous, and treat each other, adults and school resources with respect. Our children have positive attitudes towards all aspects of school. This strong sense of positivity and pride is evident in the additional ‘leadership roles’ that our children are eager to participate in. Pupil Voice is vital in order to gain information and opinions about all aspects of the school. All children are encouraged to participate. This is because of high teacher expectations of all learners, underpinned by our school’s values of ‘Learners, Achievers, Friends’. 


School Council

Our children play an active part in the life of our school. This includes having an elected school council from Y2-6, that meets weekly to discuss and suggest school improvement ideas. They meet with the Head Teacher at points during each half term. They also meet with a member of Benthal Governing Board to discuss pupil voice. More recently School Council gave design suggestions for a set of new toilets, the school library and the outdoor gym in the junior playground.

Benthal Prefects

Year 6 Prefects are chosen through a rigorous interview process. They are required to write a letter explaining their reasons for wanting to be considered as a Benthal Prefect. Those shortlisted are then interviewed. From this group, Benthal Prefects are selected.

They support younger children at lunch time and in assembly and also welcome potential new parents to the school, offering a child’s perspective of Benthal. Year 6 Benthal Prefects are our ultimate role models representing the ethos and culture of the school, it is a very prestigious role.

RE Leaders

RE leaders are children with an expert knowledge of specific religions that the children learn about at Benthal. Teachers are able to invite a RE leader to their classroom to share some information about their religion. They also conduct assemblies with a particular religious theme throughout the year, supported by the RE subject leader. The chosen children feel very proud to share their expert knowledge with others.