We are excited to announce that we have extended our nursery provision to 2 year olds. If you would like to book a school tour, please contact the school office on 02089859310 or office@benthal.hackney.sch.uk.

Our Results

Early Years Foundation Stage- Reception Results 


Good level of development

Children achieving a good level of development (GLD) are those achieving at least the expected level within the following areas of learning: communication and language; physical development;   personal, social and emotional development; literacy and mathematics. These are the early learning goals.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Results (July 2024)


All pupils nationally needed to gain 32 marks out of 40 to pass the Screening Check– in 2024, 60% passed the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check. The national average was 80%.

Cumulative Phonic Screening Check for Year 1 & Year 2 Retakes Results (July 2024)


All pupils nationally needed to gain 32 marks out of 40 to pass. By the end of Year 2- 84% of pupils cumulatively passed the Screening Check the national average was 89%. 

KS2 SATS Results (July 2024)

KS2 Average Scaled Scores


What is an average scaled score?

Tests are developed to the same specification each year. However, because the questions must be different, the difficulty of tests may vary. This means the total number of marks a pupil gets in a test (their ‘raw’ score) is converted into a scaled score to ensure that comparisons of performance over time are accurate. This conversion is calculated automatically by the Standards and Testing Agency, not by the school.

Pupils scoring at least 100 will have met the expected standard on the test.

Average scaled scores are for reading and maths, not writing.

Year 4 Multiplication Check Results (July 2024)
 24% of pupils passed the check in July 2024. The national picture was 34%.