We are excited to announce that we have extended our nursery provision to 2 year olds. If you would like to book a school tour, please contact the school office on 02089859310 or office@benthal.hackney.sch.uk.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Our Year 5 staff are: 

Willow Class Teacher: Ms Geannella Carranza

Birch Class Teacher: Ms Polly Hay

Teaching Assistant: Ms Fatima Haffeji


Latest news and work from Year 5 Willow.

Oxford Owl have made free ebooks available during the duration of school closures so that your child has more to read. If you know, your child’s reading level, you can download the levelled books for them to read independently.
Games, words and print lists for you to explore:

Focus on year 5 and keep an eye out for updates:
A great resource to explore and have fun with:
Physical Education

Want something creative to do with the children? Click on the link below for some ideas: